Maths Units

Checkout the different units we have below, each unit has an easy to understand course and end of unit test you can take as many times as you want. We currently have 29 units available with more in the pipeline.

Using a calculator, learn to add numbers together.


Learn to subtract using a claculator.


Learn to multiply single digit numbers multiply digit numbers together using a calculator.


Learn basic division using a calculator.


Learn how factors create a larger number, complete explanations and examples.

Prime Numbers

Understand the difference between prime and non-prime numbers and learn the prime numbers between 1 and 100.

Equivalent Fractions

Use multiplication and division to create equivalent fractions.

Adding Fractions

Easy to follow steps explaining how to add fractions.

Subtracting Fractions

Easy to follow steps explaining how to subtract fractions.

Multiplying Fractions

Easy to follow steps explaining how to multiply fractions.

Dividing Fractions

Easy to follow steps explaining how to divide fractions.

Fraction of an amount

Learn to calculate one part or more parts of a total amount.

Converting Fractions to Decimals

Learn to convert fractions to decimals

Converting Fractions to Percentages

Learn how to convert fractions to percentages

Converting Decimals to Fractions

Learn to convert decimals to fractions

Converting Decimals to Percentages

Learn to convert decimals to percentages by using multiplication.

Converting Percentages to Fractions

Learn how to convert percentages to fractions.

Converting Percentages to Decimals

Using division learn how to convert percentages into decimals.

Changing Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions

Changing Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions

Changing Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers

Changing Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers

Simplifying Ratios

Step by step instructions showing how to simplify ratios.

Ratio: Sharing the Total

Easy to follow steps explaining how to use ratio to share an amount.


Learn to calculate the border, or edge, of a shape.

Area - Rectangles & Squares

Easy to follow steps learning how to work out the the size of the inside of a two-dimensional shape.

Volume of a Cube and Cuboid

Learn how to calculate the space inside a cube and a cuboid.


The mean calculates the middles number in a set of data, it is a type of average.


The Mode is a type of average, it is the number that appears the most in a set of data.


The Median is a type of average. Learn how to find the Median in a set of data.


The range is calculation used to find the difference between the largest and smallest numbers in a set of data.